Daily teaching of the buddha No.27

Chatchawan Rodklongtan

Daily teaching of the buddha No.27

Chatchawan Rodklongtan (View Profile >)

Technique : Pencil Drawing on Paper

Size : 42x30 cm

Edition : Original

Year : 2567

Place : Bld.2

Value : 27,000.00 ฺBaht

Created to commemorate his 30 Years journey in the arts, this artwork , by Chatchawan Rodklongtan who has now turned 50, expresses a way of meditating through line and drawings, in search for the exemplary facial portryal of the buddha, to the best of one’s imagination.

Yet, “an epitome facial portrayal” may not exist, for perfection is constantly evolving and fleeting, resembling the uncertainty of the mind. Instead, the strokes of the lines in the artwork differ to reflect the truth that one may not be able to fully control the mind, rather to be able to be aware and acknowledge its different stages, as truth, one moment at a time.

Event & Exhibtion : Wisdom through Shade & Shadow (View Exhibtion >)

Status : : Opened Reservation

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