Pollution NO.4

Amornteap  Adonsri

Pollution NO.4

Amornteap Adonsri (View Profile >)

Technique : Papermache, Fiberglass

Size : 82 x 55 x 92 cm.

Year : 2563

Value : 45,000.00 ฺBaht

I wanted to present a reflection of agricultural chemicals through human form. I created a sculpture of human form as the main form in my creation for represents about farmers in my home town are experiencing either short-term or long term, health effects from exposure s to agricultural chemicals. A reflection of the unconscious of a farming lifestyle in using those chemicals. This work I created for the audience to be aware of problem and realize the importance of their health.

Event & Exhibtion : Shut / ชัด : One Closes , One Opens (View Exhibtion >)

Status : : Closed Reservation

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