ภูริน พานิชพันธ์


ภูริน พานิชพันธ์ (คลิกดูประวัติ >)

เทคนิค : Three-phase Lenticular Print

ขนาด : 43 x 31.5 x 4.5 cm.

ฉบับ : Edition of 5 + 1 A.P.

ปี : 2563

มุลค่า : 10,400.00 บาท

Price : USD 330
ผู้จอง : คุณกิตติภรณ์

View or position (ditthi in Pāli) is a central idea in Buddhism. However, the “right view” does not mean that there is only one right way to look at things. The Buddha often refers to the negative effect of attachment to subjectivity, speculation, dogma, or even his own teachings without personal verification. Instead, correct views need to be put into practice and incorrect views investigated, and sometimes all views are seen as obstacles to enlightenment.  

As the viewer moves around the lenticular prints, the appearances of the words presented transforms as the viewing angles shift. One may realize that seemingly opposite concepts can coexist within the same piece of content. These series of word-concepts serve as a reminder that as we move within our days, we must fiercely detach our personhood from our perspectives. As Buddha puts it: “right perspective is either all perspectives or no perspective at all.”

นิทรรศการ : Baramee of art 3 Charity 3rd : ธรรมดา (คลิกดูนิทรรศการ >)

สถานะ : จองแล้ว
